The Best Sweat-Resistant Makeup for the Hottest Climates
Summer is sexy. Sweating through makeup? Not so much. When the sun is strong, your sweat glands are working hard to keep you cool. While helpful, unfortunately, our body’s natural response doesn’t usually bode well for your already-applied cosmetics. Sweat-resistant and water-resistant makeup is the solution to maintaining coverage (and remaining cute and put together) during the hottest months of the year. Read: no colored beads of moisture dripping down your face. Even more so, no one wants their stylish clothes stained by their formerly applied powders, mascaras and more. Even while temperatures are at their peak, you can maintain a stress-free attitude after putting on your face. After all, the season is fleeting, but your makeup shouldn’t be. Here are a few products to help you keep your cool, even if the temperature outside is hot hot hot. Foundation Despite the AC blasting, it’s hard to keep most makeup from melting. But when you find something that works, it’s like winning the lotto. Our sweat-resistant and lightweight Perfect Canvas Airpod Foundation is perfect for summer, providing tinted moisturizer levels of coverage all the way to full coverage. The best part: it stays on your face, as it’s transfer-resistant, meaning there’s no need to worry about it coming off on your clothes and onto your friend’s, or your significant other’s, for that matter. Eyeliner Waterproof eye makeup was once synonymous with wedding makeup – you know, in case the happy tears started flowing. Now, it’s normal to wear water-resistant eyeliner, regardless of waterworks. With a range of colors, get creative with bright blues or classic blacks, and everything in between – and don’t worry about smudging or smearing. Even a splash of water (to cool you down) can’t get in your way of looking fierce. Lip gloss We don’t kiss and tell, unless we’re talking about lipstick, lip balm and lip gloss, of course. If you’re spending most of your days outside during summer: at the beach, or grabbing a glass of rosé with friends, there’s little reason to leave your glossy mark on a water bottle or wine glass.