For over 50 years, Cosmoprof Worldwide Bologna has been the international hub for the latest trends in the beauty industry. It is THE show where those in the trade go to discover the hottest new products and brands from across the globe. As a first-time Cosmoprof Bologna exhibitor, we felt like we were living a fairy tale. The recognition of the TEMPTU brand was incredible. From being selected to the CosmoPrime sector - the hall reserved for masstige and prestige perfumery and cosmetics products - to the endless visitors who flocked to our booth to test the new handheld TEMPTU Air, to receiving the CosmoTrends Cinderella Effect Award, it was as if CosmoProf was the ball and TEMPTU was Cinderella.
The “Cinderella Effect”
CosmoTrends, the annual report on beauty trends, features the most innovative products from CosmoProf exhibitors. Created by BEAUTYSTREAMS, an international trend agency, the report is an exclusive look at everything that is cutting-edge in the cosmetics industry. As a first-time exhibitor, we were extremely honored that TEMPTU Air and Perfect Canvas Airpod were selected as 2019 Cinderella Effect makeup products and that we were the only American brand recognized by CosmoTrends.
According to CosmoTrends, “beauty products that have ‘The Cinderella Effect’ deliver instant gratification, whether in the form of immediately visible skin care results or insta-glam. These products have a powerful transformative effect and obvious photogenic appeal, worthy of being captured on millennial livestreams and videos.”

A Prime Location
At TEMPTU, we are committed to revolutionizing the beauty industry with ground-breaking products that fuel passion, creativity and artistry. So, it was very rewarding to have Cosmoprof acknowledge our mission by placing the TEMPTU booth in the CosmoPrime sector. CosmoPrime is a selective hall dedicated to masstige and prestige products distinctive for innovation and excellence.

TEMPTU booth at Cosmoprof Bologna 2019
Testing TEMPTU Air
Attendees were intrigued and eager to test the innovative TEMPTU Air. Italian makeup artist and airbrush educator Yenni Rosales did demos all day on visitors from around the world who wanted to undergo the two-minute makeup transformation from just a push of a button.
TEMPTU Air is the first-ever cordless airbrush makeup device. It provides instant, effortless skin perfection. The patented technology delivers less makeup and more complete coverage than makeup brush application. The micro-fine mist floats onto the skin creating weightless layers of the most even, thorough coverage. TEMPTU Air was definitely the glass slipper that everyone was coveting!

Yenni Rosales demonstrating TEMPTU Air at Cosmoprof Bologna 2019
Watch the video below for a glimpse of the show.
The TEMPTU team is looking forward to Cosmoprof Bologna 2020!

Stephanie Koutikas (TEMPTU’S VP of Creative & Engagement), Greg Mandor (TEMPTU’s CFO), Italy Pro Airbrush Educators Regina Azizova and Daniele Pacini, and Michael Benjamin (TEMPTU’S CEO)
And a special thank you to our Italian hosts, friends and TEMPTU partners at Accademia Nazionale Del Cinema. This amazing school, located in the heart of Bologna, has been bringing students to TEMPTU NY every year for courses.

Michael Benjamin (TEMPTU CEO), Greg Mandor (TEMPTU CFO), Marcello Carbé (Accademia Nazionale Del Cinema owner) Cristina Rubini (Accademia Nazionale Del Cinema owner), Massimiliano Bonatto