Getting your blush just right can sometimes be a daunting task. How do I choose a blush color? What do I do when I apply too much blush? Where are the best places to apply blush on the face? Well the TEMPTU Team has you covered with our Top 5 Blush Dos & Don'ts.
DON’T choose a blush with too much brown in it. This will cause your complexion to look brown and dull.
DO choose a blush with pink undertones. Pink based blushes will brighten your complexion.
DON’T apply blush to just your cheeks
DO apply blush to other areas such as your hair line and bridge of your nose.
DON’T apply your blush with one quick stroke.
DO take your time and be creative with your blush. Blush is very powerful and if used correctly can make you look healthier, well rested and even happier helping you put your best face forward.
DON’T worry about applying to much blush.
DO Keep your foundation handy to lightly airbrush over your cheeks if you need to scale the color back a bit.
DON’T apply extra blush to make it last for longer days.
DO apply your blush how you would like it to look at the end of the day. The silicone-based formula lasts all day so there is no need to over apply.